You're about to enter a domain of a deranged emo, and blah blah blah blah blah- don't take this seriously
Would you like to continue?

" It's more than a phase
This is how I was raised "

YO! I make animations and art for a living
I'm best known as the creator of Cult of The Moon, thank you for stopping by!

" All along, we follow blindly,
Force-fed prime time, printed nightly,
Why would anybody leave the safety of their homes? "

African American and Filipino
Bisexual and Graysexual
Autistic + ADHD + PMDD
Hello, my name is Caution (or Sheepy) and I am rated E for everyone and a jack of all trades. I'm interested in a ton of things like psychology, forensic science, and a ton of other stuff. I've been taking a stab at storytelling since I was born and been going at it ever since then; so I thought why not combine my interests/what I learn to my storytelling. I try my best to bring a smile to people's faces and to make people think.
! This is a 16+ account, and what I mean by account I mean every single social media that is linked here is 16+. This is because my 'Cult of The Moon' story is 16+ and I tend to try to keep my Crossover Posts (DetectiveHawkfrost) and Cult of The Moon separate as the age range for Cult of The Moon and the nature of the story is not as flexible as Crossover. PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND.! I tend to make a lot more suggestive jokes here or 'edgy' jokes as 'Cult of The Moon' is a vent story about my trauma so please keep this in mind! I will most likely softblock you if I find out you're ACTIVELY ENGAGING with my posts on this account if and you're under 16. Of course I'm not going to be able to stop everyone entirely as I know how people are; but I should not be held accountable if that's the case. At least just don't announce it loudly and proudly that you are doing it and are under 16 as I don't want you to place a target on your back. Just be respectful and have common sense.! Everything else you need to know you can find either on my personal TOS or CorvidBlack's TOS